This information is from Robert PA0PLT..   

The French equivalent to the Collins 618T-2   The ER-104-A

The below information is from Robert who is now learning French so he can operate this radio   HI   HI  

A couple of weeks ago, I acquired a Thomson ER-104-A transceiver, which is the French version of the 618T-2.
The schematics and the internal structure are quite different from Collins, but were interchangeable with the 618T-2
and fits in its mounting.

As far as know, the French army decided to develop their own equipment when they left NATO in 1966.
This  transceiver was used in several aircraft, among the Breguet Atlantique.

For your interest see attached document and photo's. You're free to publish it. The document is in German language.
So it was apparently also used in Germany as "Funkanlage TR-AP-33-A".
Practically nothing can be found on the internet about this  transceiver , likely because in France all documents
were destroyed after equipment was taken out of service.
Next step is to get the set in working condition. Luckily I have the control box and 2 important connectors already.
Kind regards, 73,  Robert Plat PA0PLT

now click here for the German Language documents,   ER-104 transceiver, funkanlage, ??metteur-r??cepteur .pdf           and some pictures below

and here is a PDF with lots of pictures,,,   Thomson CSF, ER-104A, illustrations V1.pdf       let me say  A LOT of pictures..

Please see the PDF  picture link (above) for more pictures of the control head and its connector.