16mm movie projectors pre ww2 moviemite corp Kansas City, Mo help with audio amplifier in movie mite projectors, the major problem is always the power supply  capacitor .. schematic for audio amplifier in the movie mite 
Movie-Mite 16mm Sound on Film Projector

This web is dedicated to the use and repair of the Movie-Mite projectors, invented by my uncle, William (Bill) G Wilson, Shawnee Kansas.

CLICK any picture to make it BIGGER !

    From Popular Photography Magazine Sept 1948.
$246 dollar then , translates to 2012  =  $2,343.57

The man in this photo is my father Charles F Wilson
the others were Bill's wife and three children.


this site is under construction,   

one of the biggest problems with these projectors it the Amplifier, 

many times it's the Filter Capacitor.   sorry to say I only have schematics for two models. 

Schematic for the 63LM  63LMB        Schematic For the OLD version (pre WW2)

IF you can supply information , please send it to johnwilson((at))k0ip.com

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